This is my special moment that I will cherish forever. My first born was married on Oct. 9 2010. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him or maybe play the song we danced to at his wedding. I see him every week and still miss him every day. I'm glad he's happy, but this kid's moving out of the house thing is rough on me.
Oh my goodness, I know what you mean. My daughter moved out over two years ago and it is still hard on me. I does get a little better but I can honestly say there isn't a day that goes by in which I don't miss her. My prayers are with you!
Grace & Peace
Ok... This one tops it!
I am not sure how I will handle these days... I already cried a river a few weeks back about it!
Thank you for the comments. The only tip I found that helps is to pray and thank God for their safety every day. I love them so much. I've asked people like my mother, where the love and concern goes when they move out and they all say "you just manage" and that it does get better. Boy, I hope so. I should take that Plum cd out of my car because I keep playing the song "In My Arms" and cry. lol
Got ya! Let me say this, I love my son and he was my first born. In reality the most tried for baby of 1974. Just when you think you can't God sends you a brown eyed red headed child to say yes you can.
Now almost 37 years later we are blessed with his sweet wife and two beautiful Granddaughters. No matter how hard it is now it only gets better.
Congradulations on raising a loving responsible young man.
Thank you all. I hope I can manage. Thanks for the encouragement.
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