Saturday, March 5, 2011

Valuable Information

I would like to share with all my 2 friends that I have lol, and any others that may stop by, about my friend Angie's blog. I supplied the link to it. Her and her husband have 6 children and run a farm. It's called Maple Valley Farm. You are going to want to get a cup of coffee or kombucha tea and get comfy and read her blog. It is full of wonderful information, from gardening to butchering chickens. I love this blog. It's actually a de-stresser. I enjoy taking a few minutes to catch up on the farm life. Her pictures make you feel as if you were right there, and to be honest, sometimes I pretend to be.
Currently Angie is having a give away and it is Tattler Lids for canning. They are very cool and reusable. and you can read what she has to say about using them on her blog. You can enter while your there. Don't forget the coffee and maybe a comfy blanket. Enjoy!! I sure do.


Cindy said...

I've been meaning to ask you about her blog. thanks. I'll check it out.

Kim said...

Yeah, you won't be sorry.

grysenk said...

Hi Sis,
Cute blog, Love you Karen

Kim said...

Hey sister, see you tomorrow. Can't wait.